Friday, December 25, 2009

happy birthday jesus!

mm so for the grinches amongst us today is a painful day. but really it's quite nice if you can see past the tacky decorations in shopping centres and the awful music which we can't escape. everyone loves gifts, especially when they make life so much easier. for example, this blog will be so much easier to update now that i:
1. have a laptop which doesn't take 15 minutes to start up.
2. have a negative scanner!

and let's not make this all about gifts, good on jesus for being born and saving us and all that.
not that i'm religious but you know, best to make a mention of the man himself.

so yeah, now that i have a neg scanner, i can show you some images i've taken with my golden half!
and i diiidd get that flash! here is what it can manage.

yeah, i often leave the lens cap on cause i'm a little bit forgetful...

so merry christmas children! smile! x

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


yes, i know i haven't posted anything in weeks! but the fact is, i'm a busy woman and hardly make it onto my computer. so november was a crazy month for me, therefore a quiet month for the blog. but now, summer is here and i am free of school! i did well in all my exams, you'll be pleased to hear, and now i'm living it up until i start with the dreaded vce. the upside is that in vce i will be making a lot more art, so i'll have a lot more to post!

so lately i have been really into the whole photography thing, and i am now totally and utterly in love with film. i don't know why, but i am simply an analog girl in a digital world! so, after discovering that my dad still has his enlarger from the 70s when he was about my age, we unearthed it and cleaned it up! ooh baby is she looking fine?! soon i will have my very own darkroom and lots of prints to share!

also, i have bought this spiffy new film camera called a "golden half". a lovely little rubber-coated plastic beauty, it takes half frame shots on 35mm film. that means i can take double the amount of photos, then it gets printed two per print from any one hour photo! it even has a hotshoe attachment which means i can stick on almost any flash. i think it's made in hong kong, which really isn't surprising. i've got a little holga flash i bought online coming in the mail (from hong kong) real soon! i can't wait!

so sorry about my little rant on my photography equipment, i'm just really really really excited! some proper pretty looking posts to come. x

Monday, November 9, 2009


this ceramic rose lives on my bedside table. it distracted me from study, so if i do awfully blame the rose, not me!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

happy melbourne cup day!

it's been too long, i know! exams=study,study,study though! so today, whilst studying, i thought i would make something in honour of our most frivolous public holiday - melbourne cup day! i just used a photograph of one of my paintings, and edited it all like crazy on photoshop. and now we have the pretty thing which celebrates not only spring, but horses too! so have a lovely cup day everyone - good luck with the betting! x

Saturday, October 17, 2009


i like using my little sister as a model, and today when she was going to a black and white party, i was very happy to give her twiggy eyes and take a few quick shots!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

earl grey afternoon

i really dislike homework. really i do. and when i've just finished my earl grey, and my cup is just sitting there looking this pretty, how can i help but to pick up my olympus e-20 and shoot it quickly? now it's back to the books for me, hope you enjoy your night more than i will!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

what's hot right now

  • big day out tickets
  • thrift
  • a good old big m
  • nail polish
  • frankie magazine
  • polaroids
  • crap dancing
  • letters in the mail
  • working for next to nothing
  • silly straws
  • doing new things
  • kilometrico biros
  • sunshine

Saturday, October 10, 2009

i'll put the kettle on

i was in the area, so i thought i'd just drop by and say hello.i love this photo album thingy, i'm way excited to buy my own copy! good one frankie!
(i need to get me a subscription!)
i have three more prints that i want to post, but right now i can't get them on the computer because i have no idea how to use the scanner! i'm pretty excited to show you guys.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

made it myself

yep, i did it the old school way. using the wonders of my Nikon 8008 (film) camera and the school darkroom i made my very own photo. gosh, the hard work of actually developing photos (with chemicals!) instead of just uploading them onto your computer. my limited skills in the darkroom allow me only to take black and whites, but that's no problem.
took this one at melbourne's own giant sky wheel at birrarung marr. went on a little early morning field trip to do my school photography project.

...i think i was wearing purple tights.

Monday, October 5, 2009

i love my pacer

inside the back cover of my school diary - my school friends seem to like it. it's really just a good way to pass the time.. a lot of time. it's something like my thoughts on paper. i think i go through multiple pacer leads every day.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

first post!

so i took this as a practise for my school photography project. i may upload a later image when i develop and print the one i took on film, but it will be in black and white.
a big thank you to the girl pictured!
will get some more pictures up soon enough, but it could be a while.